I will advocate to include the smart growth principles identified in the Official Community Plan (OCP) by keeping informed, sharing facts and my opinion. My belief system identifies the need to create goals that are realistic and attainable, but innovation must be encouraged. Funding is always a challenge but if Vernon is going to limit the process of developing a vision for the future based on the funding currently available, only incremental changes will be made. These goals will assist the Council lobby for funding to achieve them and for administration to pursue them. As an indigenous person, I have an understanding of the delicate balance that we as humans have with the land, especially when it comes to developing it. My decision making process includes considering the impacts on future generations and whether or not they will be positive.
Every action is important, I think it is important to have a representative from the construction/development industry at the Climate Action Advisory Committee.
In my opinion, the most urgent is food security. By ensuring that there are local food sources, the community will be able to focus on important goals. Local food availability will reduce the need to ship food and reduce GHG emissions which is an added benefit.
I think retrofitting older homes is another way to manage the output of GHG emissions. This is a challenge not because people do not want to do it, but because capital may not be available to many to afford these investments into their homes. Other cities are tackling this challenge; and they are finding ways to identify new solutions. I think looking at these examples and considering if they are suitable for Vernon would be a good step.
Fires are one of the biggest risks to the Vernon area, which places the infrastructure at risk especially if the hydro lines are affected. The flooding is another risk, I would advocate for ensuring there are resources to ensure that Vernon is monitoring the risks and planning to assist residents to mitigate the damage. Drought is another risk we face.
Floods and fires are a great risk to infrastructure, so we need to have a plan to protect our infrastructure. There is a risk that residents will lose their homes. These issues can significantly impact the economy. Vernon needs to ensure that new infrastructure is able to withstand extreme heat and cold temperatures. Continuing to support projects for fuel modifications, traditional burns, and Fire Smart initiatives.
Vernon can plant tree stands and encourage developers to do the same. Encourage new developments to consider water conservation methods. I think evaluating the need to coordinate a regional approach to optimize emergency management would help build resource development and strengthen planning.
It is important to implement the goals of the Official Community Plan. I think increasing bike paths, and directing new builds to the existing neighbourhoods that are close to commercial areas and services are good plans. As well as replacing the gas fueled buses for electric ones over a period of time.
Also, I think it is important to lobby the provincial and federal governments to support homeowners to retrofit their older homes and make them more efficient.
We need to look for more solutions outside of electrification, so that the infrastructure is reliable. While BC has the most reliable power sources in the world, we need to ensure that the entire city is not shut down due to power failures. This is critical for our population as we are experiencing extreme heat and cold weather events.
Many of the actions are underway such as the Housing Needs Assessment. The actions that I would prioritize are getting the North Okanagan Regional Housing Advocate in place. The responsibilities of this position are critical to addressing the housing crisis we are experiencing. Also, take a look at the inventory and create a plan to match projects with the suitable land available for affordable housing or for housing programs that will maximize the use of the property. The 2021 homeless inventory identified 48% of the homeless population have physical disabilities, 11% are seniors and 9% are youth. More people are experiencing homelessness, and Vernon has an increase of families that are experiencing homelessness placing youth at risk. Housing needs to be a priority to support our economy.
As a member of the Okanagan Indian Band, I see this as an opportunity for both communities. In my positions with the Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) I have served as an OKIB rep on the Rail Trail Interjurisdiction Team, the Vernon Tourism Commission, and the North Okanagan Wastewater Recovery Project. I attended many proposed Greater Vernon Cultural Centre steering committee meetings as the Okanagan Indian Band rep during the engagement process. I submitted the joint application in collaboration with the Vernon Economic Development Officer for the First Nation-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative and served as a lead staff member on that project whose purpose was to come together and create a shared economic development vision. As I previously served on Band Council I have a strong understanding of their governance system. I aim to continue to build relationships between the two communities.
Yes I would vote in favour of the anti-racism policy. I find it disappointing that a policy of this significance requires a conversation on whether or not it will be accepted. The policy is important but in my experience, addressing racism has been challenging. A culture has to be present from the leadership throughout the organization for the policy to be effective. Being indigenous, although I do not present as an indigenous person, I have witnessed how my family members are treated differently than myself. I have been accused of over-using the term racist when I am addressing negative stereotypes against indigenous people.
I will continue to fight against stereotypes of all manners. As a leader I will continuously work to eliminate racism and discrimination, and I will continue to have difficult conversations about racism despite the cost. I have lost relationships because of these difficult conversations, but I have also strengthened relationships. I have watched people change their opinions, but it means having uncomfortable conversations, challenging belief systems, and being able to exercise control over my emotions to have respectful dialogue.
I would like to see an inclusion or diversity committee with representatives that include a diverse membership that represents the community demographics. I would like to see visual representation of the diverse groups, the purpose would be to create a community based plan to increase the diversity and eliminate discrimination. I would like to see training programs that support diversity or inclusion ambassadors that would be community leaders in addressing discrimination and support educational programming. I am fully supportive of making Vernon a welcoming place for all. I believe I embody the philosophy of acceptance of all. The questions that should be asked at various committees are, “Who is missing from the table?” “How are we going to get them here?”
Vernon has a strong arts sector in the Vernon area; the heritage and culture sectors are not predominant features. My opinion is that the proposed Greater Vernon Cultural Centre would be a significant asset to the area. It is great to see the diversity in our community through the food industry, and I would like to see more cultural offerings through dance and musical performances, or perhaps introduction to new cultures through workshops. Vernon needs more spaces to facilitate these types of activities. The existing venues that include the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre and Powerhouse Theatre may be too large for performers to access. An excellent opportunity would be to have an inclusion or diversity committee with a membership that includes indigenous representation and covers all sectors of art, culture, and heritage.
I support the Greater Vernon Cultural Plan and it outlines the opportunities that are available. The cultural plan is needed especially when we are trying to attract more investment and workers to the community. I believe it will be another opportunity to attract health care workers, and doctors to the area. There are many economic benefits outlined in the plan. There are so many benefits to the actions in this plan, I am looking forward to seeing how Vernon expands its cultural offerings over the next few years.
I would prioritize updating any bylaws or policies that would support the goals of the Plan.
I would like to see the development of Vernon’s art and culture brand that is inclusive and includes a broad section of the local industry. I would support this through ensuring it is included in the Official Community Plan and initiatives that make it more vibrant.
I would vote in favour of providing letters of support to assist not-for-profit cultural organizations to apply for funding to support their initiatives.
I learn about the local venues that provide arts, music, culture and heritage experiences. I support local artists by purchasing their works of art. I attend various functions and fundraisers to support the local non-profit. I share stories of the Okanagan Indian Band and Syilx people and our Nation. I engage with local representatives to connect with the Okanagan Indian Band and its members. I have invested my time by volunteering on the O’Keefe Ranch board of directors. I have met with organizations seeking ways to engage with the Okanagan Indian Band or provided resources for people to connect to.
The first step would be to find out what the business owners want, or need to keep their business in the City of Vernon. Business owners face many challenges and I would like to know that they are, and then find ways to support those business owners. Vernon is full of potential and I would like to see our business community thrive. It is important to build partnerships and to look for ways to promote Vernon as an investment opportunity.
One challenge I have experienced as a small business is finding suitable office space. In my search I have found that many spaces are too small or large. If this is a need experienced by other businesses, more options for office spaces could be identified as a priority in the mixed land use sections of the Official Community Plan.
As a consumer, I support local businesses especially if they use or sell local products as much as possible and encourage others to do the same.
I would vote in favour of providing letters of support to assist not-for-profit cultural organizations to apply for funding to support their initiatives.
Labour shortages are not only a problem in Vernon. The city has a responsibility to create an environment that attracts people to the city. Vernon needs more housing options that accommodate the needs of individuals, families, seniors and those with disabilities. The lack of housing is a barrier to attracting labourers in every industry. I would support streamlining the development approval process so that staff could approve housing developments up to reasonable size, and if there was a pre-approved criteria that was met.
I believe we can build our economy by including new assets such as the proposed Active Living Centre and the Greater Vernon Cultural Centre. Many young adults I speak to wish there were more activities for them to participate in and meet people. I would support any initiatives or development proposals that would support community connections.
I would like to see the city use technology to improve operations and services. Partnerships can be created with institutions such as the Okanagan College to build and foster the information technology industry. The international student program could look to attract more info-tech students. Vernon needs to ensure there is adequate infrastructure to support the technology industry, housing for one. We need housing developments that include commercial space. We do not have a lot of options for office space. In my experience the options are too big or too small.
The city can work with local agencies that support business development and networking opportunities. The city can encourage shopping locally, and lobby for provincial funding to support building training opportunities. The city can work towards increasing the housing inventory options.
I think the municipal role is important in supporting local nonprofits in accessing funding to provide support to access for mental and physical health. I will support accepting funding from the Provincial or Federal governments to support our city.
We need facilities to support this population, I know people are sick of “helping” and many are frustrated. If you look at the statistics these people have physical disabilities, and mental health issues. When a person is provided $375 for rent and it costs $900 to rent a room, they are going to be homeless. When people do not have their basic needs met they will want to numb their pain.
Without housing for these people, Vernon will consistently be dealing with these issues and they will get worse. Supporting people does not attract the homeless, they are people with connections to the Vernon community. Addictions and homelessness are complex issues that cannot be solved overnight. It is not an issue that can be legislated away, because we are dealing with people and the core issues need to be addressed.
The city can lease land to the not for profits for to build these programs. The city can accept funding for the government and support applications from organizations to address these health issues. Facts. People do not know the facts and make assumptions about the homeless population creating stigmas. One way to address stigma is to support educational programs that eliminate stigmatizing language.
We need to consider the needs of our community and the populations we serve. I would like to see partnerships with our community groups to ensure equitable access to facilities. Not only accessibility but provide options so that social clubs can thrive in Vernon so that people are able to connect on different levels. Sports are not an option for everyone. I will keep an open mind to hearing what opportunities exist, and hearing from those who may not be getting equitable access and work to let your voice be heard.